
You’re about to open up and let me into your private world to capture the most important moments in your life, so it’s only fair I tell you a bit more about myself…

emilie eychenne prend une photo en noir et blanc

I'm Emilie,

Floral crown lover, Love addict, capable of listening to the same song on repeat for days (I reckon I’m responsible for about 2,318,106 views of this Doors video).

I do regularly try and stand up on a surfboard but I do far better when I’m hauling myself up a climbing wall (ok, a tiny bit better)…

I love trundling all over France and the rest of the world, all alone (in the Scottish Highlands), in a van (in the Algarve), or with a load of friends (in Bali)… You can find out about all of my adventures on my blog, A way of travel.

In 2013, my passion became my profession. Ever since, I’ve been photographing happy people and fine projects… And I’ll let you in on a little secret: I’m addicted to it (almost as much as I am to chocolate milk).

And this is Sullivan

My darling campervan, my home most of the time! With him, I can work anywhere. I can touch up photos in the middle of the pine forests and wake up in front of the Atlantic or in the foothills of the mountains. He gives me the chance to get closer to nature and discover some incredible places. I’ve even been known to take people to these places on photo shoots! With him, I have the impression that the Pyrénées are my garden and the Atlantic ocean is my swimming pool. I’m having amazing adventures and I’m learning to slow down.